Simple life tools for your health care arsenal

One thing I love about Traditional Chinese Medicine is the long and storied tradition. In thinking about our current health climate and concerns, I find myself taking both solace and direction from this past.

In the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon - Huang Di Nei Jing, written over 2,200 years ago, when the Yellow Emperor asked his chief advisor Qi Bo how to fight against seasonal epidemic diseases. Qi Bo answered that the best defense is to keep your healthy energy abundant, and the evils will not invade.

Right now, the news is filled with information on how to outwardly protect ourselves from contagious disease. Practicing proper hygiene is a must. Equally important is attending to our health by optimizing our immune systems. Having a strong constitution can determine how our bodies react to exposure and the good news is that there are simple tools that we can employ to be as healthy as possible!

Holistic Practices for a strong constitution

Acupuncture supports our immune systems. This has been scientifically proven by western randomized controlled studies. That is why oncologists recommend it for patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments. It has been shown to raise our T cell count in white blood cells.

Moxibustion Burning the herb mugwort is a time honored protocol for keeping our immune systems strong. I hand shape pure Japanese Moxa into cones and place them on specific acupuncture points for an immune building protocol. I can also show you how to use this treatment at home to support your in-office treatments. If you are unable to come in due to illness we can face-time a moxa lesson.

Herbal Formulas are another great immune system support. I prescribe Chinese herbal formulas, in either the classic recipe or modifying them to fit an individual’s particular health patterns and needs.

Qi Gong is a time honored practice to help build strength. It is also a meditative practice which reduces feelings of stress and anxiety. Here is a link I recommend - Peter Deadman, a Chinese medicine practitioner and scholar will guide you through a 20 minute Qi Gong routine to strengthen your Lungs.

Video Tutorials

Qi Gong to strengthen the lung

Guided meditation for insomnia

Wishing you good health,



Swiss chard, Shitake Mushroom, Leek Soup for a cold winter’s day


Nipping a cold in the bud